
lifestyle makeover take 2 | ff1.2013

Friday, January 04, 2013


[1] Wunder Under Pant | [2] UA ColdGear Hoody | [3] Nike Pro Limitless Bra | [4] Vera Ear Buds | [5] Asic Running Shoe

Okay, so to-date I have consumed the following:

b - 1 green apple 1 c. coffee [black] 
l - salad w/ ff poppyseed dressing + veggies w/ tuna, 1 green apple, 1 greek yogurt
s - n/a [work til 4:30 ickkkkk]
d - 1 chicken breast cooked w/ lemon, evoo, + fresh garlic, artichoke hearts + tomatoes drizzled in evoo broiled 
multiple glasses of water drank throughout the day

b - 1 green apple 1 c. coffee [black]
l - salad w/ ff poppyseed dressing + veggies w/ tuna, 1 green apple, 1 greek yogurt
s - 1 sugarfree strawberry jell-o + 1 hardboiled egg [whites only] 
d - salad w/ tomato/onion + grilled chicken w/ buffalo sauce
multiple glasses of water drank throughout the day 

And dropped 3.4 lbs. from day 1 to day 2.....  

.........worth it?  yes.  

back to sweating for the wedding we go + linking up with {av} for Friday's Fancies.  

happy weekending 
cheers - have an extra glass since I can't!


Blue Dog Belle said...

Good for you!!! I've been half assing a low carb diet since christmas and initally lost 4 lbs. 2 came back this morning. boo. I may have to try your diet!

Taylor said...

love the "wedding year and workout gear"; it made me smile because I'm getting married this year, too! (Next month to be exact!)

Mellissa "Shia" Rondinelli said...

Ah the wedding year ... I just went through this! Good luck! You will get there and it will be TOTALLY worth it! Email me if you ever need some words of encouragement!!


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