
here goes nothing

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

I have a few years left until 30 becomes a reality, but with friends approaching and/or in their 30's, it does get me thinking.  I ask myself, what would I like to have accomplished by my 30th birthday?  What things could I accomplish if I explicitly outline a to-do list for myself?  Where am I going to be when I turn 30, and what will I be doing?  

Future self, 2015 self is intrigued.  

In the meantime, I do believe that outlining a wish list of things I hope to do by 30 will give me more accountability and drive to actually accomplish them.  I had jotted down a 30 by 30 list in my 2013-2014 agenda and have carried it into 2015.  Fortunately, I can already check some things off (that isn't cheating, is it?), and look forward to the times when I complete the others as well.

1. Get a dog [June, 2014]
2. Have a baby
3. Run a 5k
4. Run a 10k
5. Vacation once per year
6. Get Nick through his Master's program
7. Go social media free for a weekend
8. Take a photography class 
9. Grow savings account 
10. Pay off our cars
11. Attend church//tithe more frequently 
12. Try out an average of 1 new recipe a week for a whole year 
13. Date twice a month for a year
14. Have a famous encounter
15. Own a brand new bedroom suite
16. Attend the taping of a show in NYC
17. Quit my job [& relocate to a new job?]
18. Host a holiday dinner party with family
19. Read more
20. Pay more attention to the news
21. Pay off a chunk of Nick's student loan
22. Visit at least 3: Hawaii, Chicago, Nashville, Austin, Vegas, Charlotte, Boston, San Diego
23. Become a National Board Certified Teacher
24. Maintain a healthy weight pre/during/post potential pregnancies 
25. Invest in retirement
26. Give [mini?] facelifts to our master bath, kitchen, & finish our yard 
27. Pay it forward; pay for a strangers meal/tip 100%
28. Be a MOH in a wedding
29. Spend time with our parents once/month since both sets live 2+ hours away 
30. Continue to grow my relationships with my siblings 

Some of these definitely seem a little out-of-reach, but why not set the bar a little high for myself?  I'm not looking to become president or anything, but it will still be a fun challenge for me and might help me to live out the rest of my 20's to the fullest.  Are there any things that you wish you would have accomplished by a certain milestone in your life?  Are there any things you are currently in pursuit of prior to reaching a certain age?  Do tell!!  

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