
Craft Night!

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Some teachers that I work with organized a monthly craft night for us to explore our creative outlets, as well as have an excuse to get out of our homes and enjoy a glass of wine.  It quickly became an easy way to finally put our "crafty" pin boards to good use.  I'll be spending even more time enjoying Pinterest in order to find more ideas to suggest to the group and can't wait to see what else people come up with.  This week we made paper hearts via here.  I believe it is linked to other posts where others created the hearts, and it's really cool to see the idea evolve & spread.  It was a lot of fun!  I'd hardly claim to be an artsy Martha-Stewart type, but I think I did okay!  I'd give it a 2.5 out of 10 on the difficulty level - given my total lack of ability I'd say it wasn't too bad.  Directions can be found at the link posted above, but here is what I had to work with/what I came up with (others used different color palates & one person even chose to use old book pages - her's turned out really unique & awesome!):

Happy (almost) Friday :)


Laura said...
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Laura said...

I LOVE this idea! Yours turned out great - I don't know what you mean by "total lack of ability!" I always say that anyone can craft :) I think I'm going to have to heart-ify our apartment as well!!

CK said...

I'd love to see pictures! We also started using scalloped-edged scissors on some of the strands and that turned out really cool, too! Using paper with prints on both sides works best, or if you have double-stick tape it will help to have patterns/colors from any angle! Can't wait to hear the turn out :)

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